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Are you bored, frustrated or just plain disappointed in your career? Do you stay where you are year after year simply because the prospect of finding a new position overwhelms you?

As the architect of your own life, have you misplaced the blueprints? Are you hoping that someone will come along and rescue you from your current employment and defeatist attitude?

Well, guess what?! That is NOT going to happen.

Your only hope isn’t hope at all– your only way out of this situation is to come up with a plan to give yourself a career recalibration. Yes, CAREER RECALIBRATION.

Friends don’t let friends drink and drive. Friends don’t let friends go to work, day after day, leaving their potential, passion, and purpose at home in their hope chest. Be your own best friend. Start today.

There are basically three degrees of intervention, and only you will know which one best fits you.


  1. Change out your job responsibilities

  2. Delegate the tasks that you don’t excel at, or you’re bored with

  3. Take on new projects that will help your company meets its goals, while reigniting your creativity and innovation

  4. Shake things up a bit; question the status quo and use your brilliance to raise your own bar


  1. Change positions within your company

  2. Move to a new org within your company

  3. Create a new position for yourself

  4. Earn a promotion

  5. Make a lateral move to an  entirely new company


  1. Change careers

  2. Go back to school and get that degree you keep talking about

  3. Start your own business

  4. Go on sabbatical

  5. If you own your own business, go to work for someone else

Yes, change can be scary. Yes, it can be hard. Yes, you will probably be rejected. No, you will never, ever regret it.

Are you ready for a career recalibration?

Have you recently had one?

What prompted you to make the move?

How did you know you were ready?

How has it turned out?

Please leave your comments below; I’d love to hear from you!

Over the past 20+ years I’ve helped thousands of people create work they love. If I can help you get clarity and direction in your career, if you need a strategy and action plan so that you can finally do what you love, then please reach out to me at

PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS in the comments below.

Remember to like this article and follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and all your other favorite sites.


Are you ready to make a change? Are you willing to put aside and work through your obstacles to reach your potential? Then schedule a 15-minute complimentary call with Nancy on our calendar .

Nancy D. Solomon, MA Psych is the CEO and Founder of The Leadership Incubator where she helps leaders identify, address and resolve people problems before they become profit problems so everyone can focus on what they were hired to do-- INNOVATE AND DRIVE GROWTH.

Known as The Impact Expert, she is a main stage speaker, expert trainer and veteran coach who helps leaders solve key issues related to leadership development, employee engagement, and advancing women.

Nancy has made a difference for such companies as Microsoft, Target, Acura, Westin, Nordstrom & ADP as well as with many passionate individuals.


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